
Suspose you had a deadly form of cancer and there was no cure for the disease. Then one day you discovered a cure and took it. You were completely healed and your life was made new. Wouldn't you want other people who had that same disease to know what you learned and did about it. Wouldn't you try to point them to the same discovery you had made so they could be cured. Of course you would and that is what this person is doing here in this story.

My Story...

At first I didn't want to admit that something was wrong with me. I had the feeling that my life wasn't quite right. Nothing would satisfy me for very long. I had this empty feeling and was continually searching for something to fulfill me. I tried everything and then I discovered what was wrong.

I had a deadly spiritual disease. It was a spiritual cancer called sin. It crippled me morally and spiritually. It was destroying me. I was dominated with guilt. It blinded me spiritually so that I could not accept the things of God. Those things were all foolishness to me. I didn't want anything to do with the people that talked about God. It all meant nothing to me.

What I didn't know was that my spiritual blindness kept me from receiving Gods blessings and from being able to commune with him. It robbed me of an abundant life and the only true peace, which is the peace of God. My future was dark with no hope. I was separated from God and was on the road to eternal Hell.

But then I found out about a person with the power to cure me of my spiritual disease. His name is Jesus Christ, and he is the Son of God. He was sent here a little over 2,000 years ago to reconcile all things to himself by making peace through his blood which he shed on the cross. He was shown to be the Son of God when he was raised from the dead by the power of the Spirit of God. I found out that there is peace with God through Jesus Christ, who is Lord of all.

His offer to me was forgivness of all my sins and to join his family of God. I accepted his invitation and received his medicine called "Grace" for my spiritual cancer. Immediately, I was healed and forgiven of all my sins. He also gave me passage to Heaven and eternal life with him. He turned out to be my Creator, Redeemer, Savior and Lord as well as my friend.

Now I have this great peace of God through Jesus Christ which passes all understanding. The Spirit of Christ has come to take up residence within this body of mine, where he leads me, teaches me and gives me great comfort. He checks me when I need it. Daily, he loads me up with his benefits. He helps me in all things and delivers me from all my troubles. He heals my body and he is the source of my strength. I no longer am fearful about anything for he fills my heart with joy and gives me hope for the future. I now enjoy as I will forever, his lovingkindness and the love and friendship of all the members of his family.

I am forever grateful.


This same great peace of God and experience is available to everyone regardless of race, religion, education, wealth, sins, rebellion or any act of disobedience. There is nothing a person can do to keep them from this saving grace of Jesus Christ except to reject it. All that is required is to accept God's offer of forgiveness and believe in Jesus Christ (John 3:16).

The question to everyone is; where will you spend eternity? God's gift of forgiveness and eternal life through Jesus Christ is offered to each person right now and only in this life. Your decision to accept or reject God's gift will have an everlasting eternal affect on yourself.

The Good News will show you how to receive this great gift of peace and eternal life from God.